Between the Covers
I attended Journalfest last month because there were a couple of bookbinding workshops that I just had to take. I've been fascinated with the book making process for sometime, in particular the dimensional books with beautifully stitched exposed bindings that just beg to be examined and filled with all manner of inspired paraphernalia....but I digress. I thought I would start out by learning the basics, from some of the best in their craft. Daniel Essig, who is by all accounts what you could only call a true master craftsman, taught an enthusiastic group of artists and amateur bookbinders his technique for a smock stitched Mica covered book. This is my book here:
This is one of Dan's books featured in the Smithsonian. Hey, when you really want to nail down your ideas...
Then LK Ludwig taught us her unique techniques for painting journal pages and binding them together using some cording, waxed linen thread and a couple of old book covers. Her easy manner, generosity and thorough directions made the class a pleasure to attend.
If you ever have the opportunity to take classes from either of these two artists - I highly recommend them! Now I.m off to hit the books...
Corpse Mica Journal
Dan Essig - Book of Nails II at the Smithsonian
Criss Cross Journal